
SUSTAINABILITY issue-from living wages

A number of economic thinkers who did not share this belief. Instead they found it more reasonable to argue that the bargaining power between business and labour was heavily in favour of business. As a result workers might not get the wage a free market should have given them and they might have to work long hours to earn it. This result would add to the number of low-wage workers who did not earn a living wage. Without a living wage these workers might not be able to sustain themselves or their families and there might be a depletion of this resource. To the extent that working long hours to earn a wage diminished the strength and longevity of workers it also hindered the sustainability of the resource.
from above comment we can see,the lower wages is tending to break the
substainability to workers,for the long run,it is not fair and also the efficiency of worker will be decreasing as the time is gone

