

Fisher’s conception of the  course of his lengthy professional career.
The first stage of his policy advocacy on this subject emerged as a byproduct of his work when preparing The Purchasing Power of Money (which appeared in 1911). This study had been conceived as an analytic statement of the quantity theory of money
Some of the techniques of monetary manipulations he recommended to engineer “reflation” built on foundations he had laid earlier. He was certainly in character when urging the Federal Reserve to launch an aggressive program of open-market purchases, with the objective of expanding the quantity of“check book” money.
we can see Fisher has done a lot of contribution to American economy,although we are in mordern time,fisher's ideas still influence on us

SUSTAINABILITY issue-from living wages

A number of economic thinkers who did not share this belief. Instead they found it more reasonable to argue that the bargaining power between business and labour was heavily in favour of business. As a result workers might not get the wage a free market should have given them and they might have to work long hours to earn it. This result would add to the number of low-wage workers who did not earn a living wage. Without a living wage these workers might not be able to sustain themselves or their families and there might be a depletion of this resource. To the extent that working long hours to earn a wage diminished the strength and longevity of workers it also hindered the sustainability of the resource.
from above comment we can see,the lower wages is tending to break the
substainability to workers,for the long run,it is not fair and also the efficiency of worker will be decreasing as the time is gone



Heckscher regarded the general characteristics of mercantilist economic thought and policy as the focus of his interest, and one of his principal aims
was to dispel the popular misconception that, because the mercantilist writers were usually preoccupied with the solution to pressing practical problems. He mentioned ‘Through this, mercantilism became not only a specific type of economic policy,
but, even more, a characteristic body of economic ideas; for the views as to what constituted the best means were rooted in conscious or unconscious
interpretations of the tendencies of economic life

we can see mercantilist is took as a economic ideas has a long history.


On The History of Economic Thought: British and American Economic Essays, Volume I, . London: Taylor & Francis e-Library.

my dear classmates l will present this one on Tuesday ,l hope this time l will have a good presentation,and our dear teacher will enjoy it

The Living Wage

employers would gain a direct benefit from higher wages because they would improve the physical condition of workers and make them more industrious. He wrote: ‘Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find workmen more active, diligent, and expeditious than when they are low’ A better workforce was more productive which would have the benefit of increasing the wealth of the nation.

yes,l am totally agreeing with this altitude,some employers think they can pay less salaries to workers,but they cannot keep clever and diligent workers for a long time,for the long run,employer cannot get more benefit from employee,


The Living Wage

Now ,l am reading the book of the living wage,from history till now,this is quite hot topic that people are likely to talk in different countries,employer are always trying to give the lowest salary to workers ,but workers must survive in this world,so,how to analyse this problem,this book is referring about many social problems related with living wage,,,,it is worthy reading it ....hope my dear classmates can read with me.



Hola!como esta usted?,everyone,recently l am reading this book,first l was so curious what these authors would discuss in this book,after some short reviewing,l feel there are a lot of comments on American economic mind,especially, when one author gave some comments on specially period or situation,and then another author would give some criticism ,it seems there is not perfect comment or summary for a huge country's economics,but the good thing is people are trying to view economics through different angles,that is why made me happy,I can know the different  attitudes by these authors.and l hope l can read this book so carefully,and finally l will give an presentation about this book,l hope everyone can share the good things with me.


about economic thought of japan

l found japan economic thought is so related with some  Confucianism ,and this chinese thinker,who is really created a lot of thought about lives and behavior of chinese ,and not only japan,but also china was trying to use these thoughts into different fields,commerce is a process of all different kinds of human behavior,but how to guide their behavior,confucianism is really a good guide thoughts,which leads people think about ethics and rightness.what we should do ,what we cannot do in commerce.


chapter 2 The prehistory of political economy

The birth of political economy did not take place at any precise time.
It was a very complex process evolving over centuries. We must look
back at least to the classical Greek period, and from there look ahead to
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which can be considered as the
culminating stage in the long formative process of our discipline.
comment:this is quite good essence,everthing has its root,we must focus on its root and get more close,we can understand the implication of economic thoughts


about the beginning of this book

theory is deeply rooted in classical thought – both Greek and Roman –
and thanks to the mediation of a medieval culture which is richer and
more complex than is commonly perceived.

my comment:it certainly tells us,economic thought has long history and we must spend some times to know about the history of europe,and then,we can easy understand the history of economic thought,different history can show us the different stages of economics.